
Në Festivalin ndërkombëtar të Durrësit vjen Paolo Sorrentino

Nga Milena Selimi

Durrës, 21 Gusht NOA - Ndër të ftuarit e shumtë në Festivalin Veror ndërkombëtar të Filmit Durrës ‘09 që ngre siparin në fundjavë më 23 gusht, do të jetë dhe Paolo Sorrentino. Lajmi konfirmohet nga organizatorët, që kanë bërë me dije, se ai është një nga të ftuarit më të nderuar të këtij festivali, për karrierën e tij të shkëlqyeshme dhe ambiciet e tij të shumta.

Edicioni i dytë thuhet se do sjellë në konkurrim 18 filma, mes të cilëve edhe premiera rajonale dhe kombëtare. Filmat do të konkurrojnë në dy seksione: Balkan World/Botë Ballkanike dhe Contemporary Visions/Vizione Bashkëkohore si dhe kinemaja retrospektivë, në këtë edicion kushtuar regjisorit shqiptar, Dhimitër Anagnosti. Takime të ngushta sjell në edicionin e dytë- ky festival, si edhe filma të njohur evropianë, një eksperiencë e cila mendohet të vazhdohet edhe në edicionet e ardhshme. Këtë vit, organizatorët mendojnë të sjellin kinemanë italiane dhe filma si: ‘Autobusi i natës' me regji nga Davide Marengo, ‘Gomorra' me regji të Matteo Garrone ...etj.


Kush është

Paolo Sorrentino, i lindur më 31 Maj të vitit 1970, është një regjisor i njohur italian dhe skenarist, që ka lindur në Napoli. Filmi i parë si skenarist i Sorrentinos është "Polvere di Napoli" dhe është nxjerrë më 1998. Ai filloi të realizojë filma me metrazh të shkurtër, si L'amore non ha confini, më 1998, dhe La notte lunga, më 2001. Debutimi i tij i parë me një krijim me metrazh të gjatë ishte One Man Up, që u vlerësua bashkë me Nastro D'Argento për çmimin e regjisorit më të mirë. Ai mori vlerësim ndërkombëtar në vitin 2004 për thrrillerin e tij, The Consequences of Love, që zbulon tragjedinë e një biznesmeni të vetmuar, i cili përdoret si peng nga MAFIA dhe që ka marrë shumë çmime dhe që arriti deri për Palme D'Or në Festivalin e Filmit në Cannes. Filmi tjetër i Sorrentinos The Family Friend (L'amico di famiglia), ka konkurruar në Festivalin e Filmit në Londër. Vetë Sorrentino bëri një debutim si aktor në filmin e Nanni Moretti The Caiman (Kaimani), që u dha po ashtu në Londër.

Kurse filmi i fundit i tij, Il Divo është një dramatizim kushtuar politikanit të shumëpërfolur italian Giulio Andreotti. Filmi fitoi Prix du Jury në Festivalin e Kanës e bashkoi dhe njëherë Sorrentinon me Toni Servillo-n e The Consequences of Love star, që tek Il Divo luajti rolin e Andreotti-t. Nga janari i vitit 2009, Sorrentino është duke punuar në një skenar për një version filmi të Niccolò Ammaniti Ti prendo e ti porto via (Steal You Away). Kur filmi i tij i ri This Must Be The Place, do të jetë debutimi i tij i parë në anglisht. Është filmi kushtuar një rok-stari në moshën e mesme, që luhet nga dy herë njeriu i Oskarit Sean Penn, që në rol është i mërzitur nga tërheqja e tij nga karriera dhe përpiqet të gjejë ekzekutuesin e të atit të tij, një kriminal nazist që është refugjat në SHBA. Skenari është i Sorrentino dhe Umberto Contarello dhe filmi This Must Be The Place pritet të jetë në vitin 2010.



Dragoncelli di fuoco (1994)

Polvere di Napoli (1998)

La squadra (2000) - Serial TV

Ashes and Blood (2009)

Steal You Away (Ti prendo e ti porto via, TBA)


L'amore non ha confini (1998)

La notte lunga (2001)

La partita lenta (The slow game) (2009)

L'assegnazione delle tende (2009)


L'uomo in più (2001)

The Consequences of Love (Le conseguenze dell'amore, 2004)

The Family Friend (L'amico di famiglia, 2006)

Il Divo (2008)

This Must Be The Place (2010)


Të gjithë filamt pjesëmarrës:

"Contemprorary Visions"


Belgium, 2008, 35mm, Color, 90 min, Dutch

Director: Geoffrey Enthoven

Screenplay: Jacques Boon Cinematography: Gerd Schelfhout

Editor: Geoffrey Enthoven Music: Tom Kestens Cast: Ben Van Ostade, Bien De Moor, Ziggy Moens, Clara Cleymans, Chris Lomme Producer: Mariano Vanhoof

Martin and Eline have it all. Two beautiful children, money in their pocket and time on their hands, in short the perfect life. But their luck runs out when, shortly after buying a holiday home in Tuscany, Martin's bank manager seems to have disappeared with a large sum of their money. The series of misfortunes, which follow this incident, gradually threatens to destroy their comfortable family life. Is it sheer coincidence casting a dark shadow on their lives? Or can their misery be the result of the numerous miscalculations of one man who is desperately clinging onto his social status? In an attempt to save his family life, Martin finds himself caught in a web of lies and deceit. With no way out, he is slowly sinking into despair.


Martini dhe Elina kane gjithcka. Dy femije te bukur, para nder xhepa dhe mjaft kohe te lire, me pak fjale nje jete perfekte. Por fati i tyre duket se mbaron kur pasi kane blere nje shtepi pushimesh ne Toskana, mesohet se menaxheri i bankes se Martinit eshte zhdukur bashke me nje shume te madhe parash. Seria e fatkeqesive qe pasojne kete incident gradualisht kercenon te shkaterroje jeten e tyre te rehatshme. Eshte thjesht koicidence kjo re e zeze qe ka mberthyer jetet e tyre? Apo ky mjerim eshte rezultat i nje llogarive te gabuara te nje njeriu i cili deshperimisht perpiqet te mbahet pas statusit tij social? Ne perpjekje per te shpetuar jeten e familjes se tij, Martin gjendet i kapur ne nje rrjete genjeshtrash dhe mashtrimesh. Pa rrugedalje, ai do mbytet ne deshperim te thelle.


Geoffrey Enthoven, Filmography:


2009 - Meisjes

2008 - Happy together (Tallin Black Nights PöFF 2008)

2007 - Vidange perdue (PÖFF 2007)                                                            Â

2002 - Les enfants de lamour (documentary)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â



France, 2009, 35mm, Color, 90 min, French


Director: François Ozon

Screenplay: Francois Ozon

Director of Photography: Jeanne Lapoirie

Editor: Muriel Breton

Original Music: Philippe Rombi

Cast: Alexandra Lamy, Sergi Lopez , Mélusine Mayance, Arthur Peyret

Producer: Claudie Ossard and Chris Bolzli


When Katie, an ordinary woman meets Paco, an ordinary man, something magical and miraculous happens: they fall in love. Out of their love comes an extraordinary baby : RICKY


Kur Keti, një grua e zakonshme, takohet me Pakon, një burrë i zakonshëm, ndodh diçka magjike, e mrekullueshme: ata bien në dashuri. Nga dashuria e tyre lind një bebe e jashtëzakonshme: RIKI.


François Ozon, Filmography:


2009 - Ricky (Berlin International Film Festival 2009)

2007 - Angel

2006 - A Curtain Raiser

2005 - Time To Leave

2004 - 5x2 - Five Times Two

2003 - Swimming Pool

2002 - 8 Women

2001 - Under The Sand

2000 - Water Drops On Burning Rocks

1999 - Criminal Lovers

1998 - X2000

1998 - Sitcom

1998 - Bed Scenes

1997 - See The Sea

1996 - A Summer Dress

1995 - The Little Death

1994 - Truth or Dare

1994 - A Rose Between Us

1993 - Victor



Germany/France/Italy, 2008, 35mm, Color, 124min

Director: Wim Wenders

Screenplay: Norman Ohler, Wim Wenders

Cinematographer: Franz Lustig

Music: Irmin Schmidt

Sound: Martin Müller

Editor: Peter Przygodda, Oli Weiss

Cast: Campino, Dennis Hopper, Giovana Mezzogiorno, Lou Reed

Producer: Gianfranco Barbagallo, Felix Eisele, Stephan Mallmann

From acclaimed director Wim Wenders comes the story of Finn, an internationally renowned photographer whose pictures appear in museums and magazines all over the world. His lifestyle is exuberant - he is a rock star of the art world. But Finn knows that something is missing from his life. On a photoshoot in Palermo, Finn experiences a surreal journey through hell as his life merges with his art and he ends up in the gutter. Then an angel enters his life in the person of Flavia, a mysterious and beautiful woman. Flavia saves Finn's life, in more ways than one, and helps him to confront every artist's ultimate enemy... Death

Nga regjizori i mirenjohur Wim Wenders vjen historia e Finit - nje fotografi me karriere te famshme nderkombetare, fotografite e te cilit shfaqen ne muzete e galerite e tere botes. Jeta e tij eshte mjaft e shndritshme - ai eshte Rock Star i botes se artit. Por Fini e di qe dicka i mungon jetes se tij. Gjate nje procesi fotografimi ne Palermo, Fini perjeton nje udhetim surreal ne Ferr teksa jeta e tij shkrihet me artin dhe perfundon ne grope te zeze(kanal). Pastaj nje engjell - ne formen e Flavias, nje bukuroshe misterioze, hyn ne jeten e tij. Flavia e shpeton jeten e Finit ne shume menyra dhe e ndihmon ate te perballet me armikun kryesor te cdo artisti... Vdekjen

Wim Wenders, Filmography

2008 - Palermo Shooting (Cannes International Film Festival 2008, Berlin & Beyond Film Festival 2009)

2007 - To each his own cinema

2007 - Invisibles

2005 - Don't Come Knocking

2003 - The Soul of a Man

2003 - Other Side of the Road

2002 - A Rock 'N' Roll Film

2000 - The Million Dollar Hotel

1999 - Buena Vista Social Club

1998 - Willie Nelson at the Teatro

 1997 - The End of Violence

1995 - Lumière and Company

1995 - Brothers Skladanowsky

1995 - Al di là delle nuvole

1994 - Lisbon Story

1993 - Faraway, So Close!

1992 - Arisha, the Bear and the Stone Ring



Bulgaria/Germany/Hungary/Slovenia, 2008, 35 mm, Color, 105 min

Director: Stephan Komandarev

Script: Stephan Komandarev, Dusan Milic, Yuri Datchev, Ilija Trojanov

Based on the novel by Ilija Trojanow

Camera: Emil Christov

Editor: Nina Altaparmakova

Music: Stefan Valdobrev

Cast: Miki Manojlovic, Carlo Ljubek, Hristo Mutafchiev, Ana Papadopulu, Lyudmila Cheshmedzhieva, Blagovest Mutafchiev, Nikolai Urumov, Vasil Vasilev - Zueka, Dorka Gryllus, Stefan Valdobrev, Pavel Popandov, Georgi Kadurin

Producers: Stefan Kitanov, Karl Baumgartner, Thanassis Karathanos, Andras Muhi, Danijel Hocevar


This is the story of a Bulgarian boy who grows up to be a German man. After a car accident Alex can't remember even what his name is. In an attempt to cure him from amnesia, his grandfather Bai Dan comes to Germany and organizes a spiritual journey for his grandson back into his past, to the country where he came from. While travelling across time and place and crossing half of Europe, they play backgammon, the simplest, and yet the most complex of all games. This game leads Alex to a realization of who he is, and that backgammon is a key to his story. Destiny is the dice we hold in our own hands and life is a game somewhere between chance and skill.


Kjo eshte historia e nje djali bullgar i cili rritet e behet burre Gjerman. Pas nje aksidenti me makine, Alex nuk mban mend as edhe emrin e tij. Ne nje perpjekje per ta kuruar nga amnesia, gjyshi i tij Bai Dan vjen ne Gjermani dhe organizon per te nipin nje udhetim spiritual ne te shkuaren, ne vendlindjen e tij. Teksa udhetonin perreth kohes dhe vendeve duke kaluar keshtu gjysmen e Evropes, ata luajne tavell, loja me e lehte dhe njekohesisht me kompleksia e lojrave. Kjo loje e udheheq Aleksin drejt te kuptuarit "kush eshte ai" dhe kjo loje tavell eshte celesi i historise se tij. Fati eshte nje zar te cilin mbajme ne dore dhe jeta eshte diku midis shansit dhe zotesise.


Stephan Komandarev, Filmography:

2000 - Dogs' Home

2001 - The Way of Harmony - doc

2002 - Bread Over the Fence - doc

2003 - Alphabet of Hope - doc

2008 - The world is big and salvation lurks around the corner (Karlovy Vary Int. Film Festival 2009)



Sofia IFF - Audience Award, Best Bulgarian Feature Film Award, Zurich IFF - Audience Award

"Golden Rose" FF (Varna, Bulgaria) - Best Script Award, Best Cinematographer Award (shared)

Warsaw IFF - Special Jury Award, Bergen IFF - Grand Prix „Cinema Extraordinaire" , Tallinn IFF „Black Nights" - Jury Special Mention, Don Quijote Award, "The Film and the City" FF (Nova Zagora, Bulgaria) - Best Film, Vilnius IFF - Grand Prix for Best Film, Special Jury Award for Acting (Miki Manojlovic)

Almaty IFF - Best Actor Award for Miki Manojlovic, Taipei IFF - Audience Award, Sevastopol FF - Best Actor Award for Miki Manojlovic,LUX Prix of the European Parliament - Official Selection




Czech Republic/Macedonia, 2009, 35mm, Color, 90 min


Director: Ivo Trajkov

Screenplay: Vladislav Kliment, Alan Smisík

Dir. of Photography: Klaus Fuxjäger,

Music: Zoran Madžirov

Editor: Petra Berkovičová Raušová

Cast: David Švehlík, Karel Zima, Verica Nedeska, Magdaléna Sidonová, Marie Durnová, Václav Helšus, Karel Dobrý

Producer: Jiří Konečný


Josef Bárta came into the world with the prophecy that he'd be dead at age 29. Just as his 29th birthday is approaching, his wife leaves him with their son in tow. To make matters worse, Josef loses his job. Despite having repaired precision scales his whole life, his own existence is suddenly thrown completely out of balance. A curious friendship with free-spirited Gabriel introduces new impulses - and troubles - into Josef's life. But it looks as if love, in the form of the beautiful Oliva, may offer liberation.... "What interested me most about the project was the conflict between individual free will and predestination," states director Ivo Trajkov about his movie parable, freely inspired by a Božena Němcová story and moral dilemmas à la Krzysztof Kieślowski. The director treats the tale's protagonist as an ordinary person who has yet to excel at anything in life, yet although he finds it difficult to reflect on his own situation, he still manages to see it with earnestness and humility. But is this enough to change his fate?


Josef Barta erdhi ne kete bote me profecine qe thosh se ai do te vdese ne moshen 29 vjecare. Teksa ditelindja e tij e 29te po afronte, gruaja e le ate dhe djalin e tyre ne perkujdesje te tij. Per me keq akoma, Josefi humbet punen. Pavaresisht se eshte kujdesur me precizion dhe vene ne peshore cdo hap, befas, ekzistenca e tij duket e hedhur krejtesisht jashte balances. Nje miqesi kurioze me Gabrielin sjell ne jeten e Jozefit impulse dhe peripeci te reja. Por duket sikur dashuria, ne formen e bukuroshes Olivia mund te ofroje shpetim … "Cfare me ka interesuar me shume ne kete projekt eshte konflikti midis deshires se lire individuale dhe fatit te paracaktuar", deklaron regjisori Ivo Trajkov mbi kete film parabolikisht te inspiruar nga historia e Bozena Nemcova's dhe dilemat morale sipas Krzystof Kieslowskit. Regjisori e trajton ngjarjen e protagonistit si ate te nje njeriu te zakonshem i cili duhet te shkelqeje ne gjithcka qe ben ne jete, megjithate, megjithese ndesh ne veshtiresi, ai vazhdon ta shohe cdo situate me perfitim dhe perultersi. Por a eshte kjo mjaft per te ndryshuar fatin e tij?


Ivo Trajkov, Filmography

2009 - Wingless (Karlovy Vary Int. Film Festival 2009)

2007 - Movie

2004 - The Great Water

1998 - The Past

1993 - The Canary Connection



Finland, 2009, 35mm, Color, 133 min, Finnish

Director: Aleksi Mäkelä

Script: Marko Leino Cinematography: Pini Hellstedt Sound: Jyrki Rahkonen Music: Kalle Chydenius Editing: Kimmo Taavila

Cast: Samuli Edelmann, Peter Franzen,Pihla Viitala, Kari Hietalahti, Juha Veijonen, Jasper Pääkkönen, Pekka ValkeeÄrvi, Hiskl GrÖnstrand, Tommi RantamÄki, Kristo Salminen, Kalle Holmberg, Leena Uotila, Pirkko Mannola

Producer: Markus Selin, Jukka Helle

Hellsinki is based on an interview novel (Rööperi - The years of crime 1955 - 2005), written by Harri Nykänen and Tom Sjöberg. The book describes the old days of one of the most notorious parts of Helsinki. The film is set between 1966 and 1979. Besides the journey of Tomppa and Krisu, the main characters of the film, Rööperi tells the story of Gypsy Kari, Arska, Bisquit, Uki and a bunch of other bad boys and criminals; it tells of their memorable and unscrupulous journey from crime and poverty to becoming respectable citizens, going to jail—or dying too young. The wrong side of the law is seen through the eyes of Koistinen, a local police officer. The guys who fall into a life of crime have one thing in common: they all start by bootlegging, being sure money is an answer to all their problems. Money is a way out of a miserable life; it is a way to happiness and their modest dreams. They can stop doing criminal business as soon as they get enough money. When the guys start making more money with black-market booze, their hunger and their dreams grow bigger. Even though the reality Rööperi is portrayed as rather rugged and rotten, we can see both warmth and humor in the characters walking the streets of Rööperi; these qualities will make the audience love them. The audience will cry and laugh with them—and for them.


Hellsinki eshte bazuar ne nje novele-interviste (Rooperi - Vitet e Krimit 1955-2005) shkruar nga Harri Nykanen dhe Tom Sjoberg. Libri pershkruan te shkuaren e distriktit me te erret te Helsinkit. Ngjarja zhvillohet rreth viteve 1966 and 1979. Pervec udhetimit te Tomppa dhe Krisu (karakteret kryesore te filmit), Hellsinki tregon historine e disa karaktereve Gypsy si Kari, Arska, Bisquit, Uki dhe nje bande djemsh kriminele; tregon per udhetimin e tyre te paskrupullt po aq sa edhe mbreselenes nga rruga e krimit dhe varferise ne ate te kthimit ne qytetare te respektuar. Vajtja ne burg ose vdekja ne moshe te re, keto jane opsionet. Ana e keqe e ligjit shikohet ndermjet syve te Koistien, nje officer policie i zones. Djemte, te cilet bien ne rrugen e krimit kane nje gje te perbashket: te gjithe e fillojne te sigurt qe paraja eshte zgjidhja e te gjitha problemeve te tyre. Paraja eshte e nje mjet per ti nxjerre jashte kesaj jete mizore; eshte nje menyre drejt lumturise dhe endrrave te tyre modeste. Ata s'do te merren me me pune kriminale sapo te mbledhin para te mjaftueshme. Kur djemte fillojne te bejne para me kontrabande alkoli, pangopesia per me shume dhe endrrat e tyre rriten gjithmone e me shume. Megjithse ky realitet i portretizuar nga Hellsinki eshte si i shqyer e i kalbur, ne mund te shohim po aq ngrohtesi dhe humor ne karakteret e rrugetareve te filmit; keto kualitete do ta bejne audiencen ti doje ata. Audienca do te qaje dhe gajaset me ta - dhe per ta.


Aleksi Mäkelä , Filmography


2009 - Hellsinki 2007 - V2 - Dead Angel 2006 - Matti 2004 - Vares - Private Eye, (best editing award, Kimmo Taavila) 2003 - Bad Boys (best photography award, Pini Hellsted, best sound design, Jyrki Rahkonen) 2000 - The South, (best actress, Outi Mäenpää) 1999 - There's a Satan in the House, -TV 1999 - The Tough Ones, (best actor in a supporting role, Kalevi Haapoja) 1994 - Sunset Riders, (best direction, Aleksi Mäkelä, best actor, Juha Veijonen) 1993 - The Romanov Stones,(best sound design, Paul Jyrälä )


Austria/Italy, 2009, 35mm, Color, 100 min, Italian


Director: Tizza Covi, Rainer Frimmel

Screenplay : Tizza Covi Photography : Rainer Frimmel Sound : Tizza Covi

Editing : Tizza Covi Cast : Patrizia Gerardi, Walter Saabel, Tairo Caroli, Asia Crippa

Producer: Rainer Frimmel - Vento Film


Abondoned in a park, the two-year-old girl Asia is found by Patti, a circus woman living with her husband Walter in a trailer park in San Basilio on the outskirts of Rome. With the help of Tairo, a teenager who lives with his grandma in an adjacent container, Patti starts to search for the girl's mother and gives the girl a new home for an uncertain period of time. La Pivellina is a film about a cosmos of outcasts in present-day Italy: a moving tale of courage and discrimination, of loss and togetherness, a look behind the corrugated-iron fence of a gated community.Â


E braktisur ne nje park, vajza 2 vjecare Asia gjendet nga Patti, nje akrobate cirku e cila jeton me te shoqin Walter ne nje karavan ne San Basilio ne rrethinat e Romes. Me ndihmen e Tairos, nje adoleshent i cili jeton me gjyshen e tij ne nje tjeter rulote aty afer, Pati fillon te kerkoje te emen e Asias dhe e strehon vajzen per nje periudhe te pacaktuar kohe. La Pivellina eshte nje film mbi boten e te perbuzurve ne Italine e sotme: nje histori prekese mbi kurajon dhe diskriminimin, humbjen dhe bashkimin, nje shikim pertej gardhit mbrojtes te komunitetit te mbrojtur.


Tizza Covi, Filmography


2009 - La Pivellina (Cannes Film Festival 2009; winner of Europa Cinemas Label as Best European Film, Karlovy Vary Int. Film Festival 2009) 2005 - Babooska (documentary)

2001 - Das ist alles


Rainer Frimmel, Filmography


2009 - La Pivellina (Cannes Film Festival 2009; winner of Europa Cinemas Label as Best European Film, Karlovy Vary Int. Film Festival 2009 2005 - Babooska (documentary)

2001 - Das ist alles

2000 - Aufzeichnungen aus dem Tiefparterre

1998 - Wien: Sieben Szenen

1997 - Che bella è la vita



Czech Republic/Poland, 2008, 35mm, Color, 100min

Director: Petr Zelenka

Screenwriter: Petr Zelenka

Cinematographer: Alexandr Surkala, A.C.K.

Editor: Vladimir Barak , L.C.C.

Music: Jan A.P. Kaczmarek

Sound: Michal Holubec, C.A.S.

Cast: Ivan Trojan, Igor Chmela,Martin Mysicka,David Novotny,Radek Holub,Lenka Krobotova, Michaela Badinkova , Lucie Zackováa,Marek Matejka         Â

Producer: Cestmir Kopecky Co-producers: Karolina Ochab,Roman Wikel, Katarzyna Adamik


On a hot summer day in Poland, a group of people walk through a run-down steel mill. They are actors, from a theater in Prague, and they're here to rehearse for a performance to be held in the space the next day. There are a few workers still on the job at this mill, the only living creatures left. They pay the actors little attention at first, pre-occupied with a personal tragedy: the day before, the son of a maintenance man fell from a catwalk and seriously injured his spine. Their interest is in his fate. Amid remnants of old machinery and old junk, the rehearsal begins. It is an adaptation of Fyodor Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov": specifically concerned with the trial for the murder Old Karamazov. All the while they are rehearsing, the "real world" of the workers remains at the edges of the performance, the tragedy they're experiencing striking similar chords as events within the play, until the two threads become inextricably knotted.


Ne nje dite te nxehte vere ne Poloni, nje grup njerezish ecin midis nje fabrike te rrenuar celiku. Ata jane aktore, nga teatri i Prages, dhe jane ketu duke bere prova per nje shfaqje e cila mbahet po aty te nesermen e kesaj dite. Atje jane edhe disa punetore akoma te punesuar ne kete fabrike dhe te vetmet krijesa te mbetura te saj. Ne fillim ata nuk i kushtojne shume rendesi aktoreve, te preokupuar me tragjedite e tyre personale. Nje dite me pare djali i brigadierit ra nga nje pasarele dhe demtoi keq shtyllen kurrizore. Interesi I tyre eshte tek fati. Midis makinerive te amortizuara dhe mbeturinave provat fillojne. Eshte nje adaptim i Dostojevskit "Vellezerit Karamazov" specifikisht i lidhur me gjyqin mbi vdekjen e Karamazovit te vjeter. Gjate tere kohes se provave " bota reale" e punetoreve mbetet ne kufijte e shfaqjes, tragjedia te cilen ata po e perjetojne ngjan shume me ngjarjet e shfaqjes teatrale, derisa te dy thurjet behen nyje te pa shthuruara.


Peter Zelenka, Filmography

2008 - The Karamazovs (Best Film at Czech Lion Awards; BFI London Film Festival, 2008)

2005 - Wrong Side Up

2002 - Year of the Devil

2000 - Powers

1997 - Buttoners

1996 - Mnaga - Happy End



Netherlands, 2008, 35mm, Colour, 85 min


Director: Mijke de Jong Script: Jan Eilander, Jolein Laarman

Camera: Ton Peters

Editing: Dorith Vinken

Cast: Betty Qizmolli, Julia Seykens, Olga Louzgina, Rogier Schippers, Chico Kenzari, Tatiana Sharkova, Ian Bok, Fred Goessens, Jennifer St. Jago, Tara van den Kerkhof

Producer: Keyman Film BV, Hans de Wolf


Some people find her removed from reality. Her older sister, Katia, even thinks she's stupid. But this is only a first impression, perhaps the result of her subconscious desire to remain a child. Or perhaps, her strange behaviour is a defence against the uninspiring life she leads, a cruel existence shared with her sister and mother. Having emigrated from Russia some years previously, her mother tries to build up a life in Amsterdam and is drawn into the world of prostitution. Slowly, oldest daughter Katia follows her mother into the same obscure world. Our heroine, Katia's Sister, adores her older beautiful sister Katia, but she is getting more and more lonely, having nobody to share her feelings with. Although her surroundings are harsh, she does not judge. She continues to see the world in an unconditional and even loving manner. Despite her non-judgemental attitude, she becomes increasingly isolated, creating her own protective universe in which she sacrifices a lot, even her own name, referring to herself only as "Katia's Sister."


Disa njerez e shohin ate te shkeputur krejtesisht nga realiteti. Bile, motra e saj e madhe, Katia, mendon se ajo eshte budallacke. Por ky eshte vetem impresioni i pare, ndoshta ky eshte rezultati i deshires se pandergjeshme se saj per te mbetur femije. Ose ndoshta, sjellja e saj e cuditshme eshte nje mbrojtje kundrejt jetes jo interesante qe ajo ben, nje ekzistence mizore e ndare me motren dhe te emen e saj. E emigruar nga Rusia disa vite me pare, e ema mundohet te ndertoje nje jete te re ne Amsterdam dhe eshte e terhequr ne boten e prostitucionit. Gradualisht, edhe vajza e saj me e madhe, Katia, ndjek te emen ne kete rruge te erret. Heroina jone, motra e Katia's, e adhuron motren e saj bukuroshe por ajo po ndihet gjithmone e me shume vetem, duke mos patur askend per te ndare ndjenjat e saj. Megjithese gjithcka e rrethon eshte e eger ajo nuk fajeson.Vazhdon ta shikoje boten ne menyre te pakushtezuar, deri me dashuri. Pavaresisht gjykimit jofajesues apo pozitiv, ajo behet gjithmone e me e izoluar duke krijuar universin e saj mbrojtes ne te cilin ajo sakrifikon shume, deri edhe emrin e saj duke ju referuar vetes vetem si "Motra e Katia's".Â


Mijke de Jong, Filmography

2008 - Katia's Sister (Locarno Int. Film Festival, 2008)

2007 - Stages

2005 - All souls

1999 - Lopen

1997 - Broos

1994 - The Four A.M. Feed

1994 - Stills

1993 - Love Hurts

1990 - Squatter's Delight




Albania/Austria/France, 2009, 35 mm, Color, 90 min, Albanian

Director: Artan Minarolli

Screenplay: Artan Minarolli

Cinematographer: Jacques Bouquin

Music: Baptiste Bouquin

Designer: Ylli Bepiri, Mihal Rama

Editor: Oliver Neumann

Cast: Nik Xhelilaj, Bruno Shllaku, Besart Kallaku, Nijada Saliasi, Xhevdet Ferri

Producer: Ebba Sinzinger, Vincent Lucassen, Artan Minarolli, Marie Balducchi


Twenty-two-year-old Koli is studying at Tirana University. When he hears of his father's death, he returns to his native mountain village in the north to attend the funeral. During a walk through the countryside of his childhood, someone takes a shot at him. In a state of shock, the young man discovers that he is part of a blood feud sparked by his grandfather sixty years earlier. He goes to see the family to whom, according to custom, he owes his life - and, in doing so, he makes the acquaintance of the murderer whom fate has determined will take it. Away from his modern urban environment, Koli suddenly finds himself in a world of ancient, inexorable rituals, from which he is unable to extricate himself even after his return to Tirana. How deeply entrenched in people are the traditions of their forebears? And to what extent are they able to accept them as part of their modern, superficial lifestyle? How far-reaching is the perception of one's own destiny and affinity with one's roots? Director Artan Minarolli dedicated his film drama to the eighty-six illegal immigrants who drowned off the coast of Italy during an attempt to flee their native country in March 1997.


Koli, 22 vjeçar, studion gjuhësi në Universitetin e Tiranës por, sipas kanunit të vjetër të Lek Dukagjinit, mbi të bie hakmarrja për një vrasje që ka kryer gjyshi i tij para 60 vjetësh. Koli merr guximin të udhëtojë drejt fshatit të thellë malor ku jeton familja e cila pretendon të hakmerret ndaj tij. Jeta e nje djali te ri merr nje drejtim te papritur. Ligjet e Kanunit jane te egra, negociatat per paqe nuk funksionojne. Endrra e tij per tu shkolluar dhe per tu integruar ne shoqerine civile shkaterrohet. Ai perjeton ankthe te medha, derisa vjen casti kur ai perballet me vrasesin e tij... Regjisori artan Minarolli ia dedikon kete film drames se 86 emigranteve ilegale te cilet u mbyten ne brigjet e Italise gjate nje eksodi ne vitin 1997.


Artan Minarolli, Filmography

2009 - Alive! (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, 2009)

2009 - Local chronicle

2004 - Moonless night

1994 - The toy bullet

1993 - Hunder per cent



Croatia, 2009, 35mm, Color, 75min, Croatian

Director: Zvonimir Juric, Goran Devic

Screenwriters: Goran Devic, Zvonimir Juric

Cinematographer: Branko Linta h.f.s.

Editor: Vanja Sirucek

Cast: Ivo Gregurevic, Emir Hadzihafizbegovic, Rakan Rushaidat, Kresimir Mikic, Franjo Dijak, Niksa Butijer, Stjepan Pete

Producer: Ankica Juric Tilic

In the war, in a town under siege, a platoon called the Blacks has to be dissolved because the truce has been signed. Commander Ivo is preparing the action of pulling the bodies of his three men from the woods and at the same time, despite the truce, wants to blow up a damp and thus inflict damages to the enemy. The surviving platoon members go into action and find the enemy in the woods where they least expected - in themselves.


Eshte lufte….Ne nje qytet te rrethuar, nje toge e quajtur Blaks do te shkrihet pasi eshte vendosur armepushimi. Komandanti Ivo po pergatitet per aksionin e terheqjes se trupave te tre njerezve te tij nga pylli, dhe pavaresisht nga armepushimi ai deshiron te hedhe ne ere nje pusete qe ti shkaktoje deme armikut. Te mbijetuarit e toges shkojne ne aksion dhe gjejne armikun ne pyll aty ku nuk e pritnin - tek vetja e tyre.


Filmography, Zvonimir Juric

2009 - The Blacks (Pula Film Festival 2009, Sarajavo Film Festival 2009)

2004 - Sex, Booze, Short Fuse

2003 - The One Who Will Stay Unnoticed

2001 - The Blacks resisted, can I? documentary

1999 - Jurić: Tvrđa 1999, documentary

1995 - The Skyes Below Osijek, documentary


Goran Devic, Filmography

2009 - The Blacks (Pula Film Festival 2009, Sarajavo Film Festival 2009)

2008 - 3, documentary

2008 - Under Construction, documentary

2007 - Ma sve će biti u redu, short fiction

2006 - Nothing Nice to Say, documentary

2004 - Did I fuck up?, documentary

2004 - Imported Crows, documentary

2004 - Knin 2004, documentary


THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD/CEA MAI FERICITA FATA DIN LUME/VAJZA MË E LUMTUR NË BOTË Rumania/Netherlands/France/Japan, 2009, Colour, 90 min, Romanian

Director: Radu Jude

Scriptwriter & Art Director: Augustina Stanciu

Cinematographer: Marius Panduru

Editor: Catalin F. Cristutiu

Sound designer: Titi Fleancu

Cast: With Vasile Muraru, Andreea Bosneag, Violeta Haret Popa, Serban Pavlu, Andi Vasluianu,

Diana Gheorghian, Alexandru Georgescu, Doru Catanescu, Bogdan Marhodin, Cristina Serbu

Producer: Ada Solomon, Stienette Bosklopper


During the shooting breaks, Delia has long talks with her parents - that eventually turn into ugly arguments. The discussion is about what they should do with the car: Delia wants to keep it for herself, while her parents would like to sell it and escape in this way from poverty. The argument becomes more tensed, while the shooting becomes more stupid and absurd. What seemed to be at the beginning a lucky event becomes for Delia an extreme and emotionally painful situation, in which she has to rethink and question her family relationship.


Gjate pushimit te xhirimeve, Delia bisedon gjate ne telefon me prinderit e saj, nje bisede qe eventualisht kthehet ne grindje te shemtuar. Biseda ben fjale per ate c'ka ata duhet te bejne me makinen. Delia ka deshire ta mbaje per vehte teksa prinderit duan ta shesin qe te shpetojne nga varferia. Grindja keqesohet edhe me shume ndersa xhirimet behen me absurde dhe pa sens. Cfare fillimisht dukej nje shans, behet per Delian nje situate ekstreme dhe e dhimbshme ne te cilen ajo duhet te rimendoje ceshtjen e marredhenies se saj familjare.


Radu Jude, Filmography:

2009 - The Happiest Girl in the World (Toronto Int. Film Festival 2009, Berlin Int. Film Festival 2009; winner of C.I.C.A.E Award, Sarajevo Film Festival 2009)

2007 - In the Morning

2006 - The Tube with a Hat - The most awarded Romanian short of all times, winner of main prizes in many Film Festivals

2006 - Alexandra - selected in Clermont-Ferrand, awarded in Oberhausen



Turkey, 2009, 35mm, Colour, 90min

Director: Mahmut Fazil CoÅŸkun

Screenplay: Tarik Tufan, Görkem Yeltan, Bektaş Topaloğlu

Cinematographer: Refik Çakar

Music: Rahman Altin

Editor: Çiçek Kahraman

Cast: Nadir Saribacak, Görkem Yeltan, Ersan Uysal, Burçin Åženkal

Producer: Tülin Çetinkol Soyarslan, Ä°smail Kiliçarslan, Tarif Tufan, Mahmut Fazil CoÅŸkun



The young muezzin Musa visits Istanbul for the first time in his life when he is assigned to a mosque in Galata, Istanbul. Musa is lodged in to an apartment provided for him. His next door neighbors are Sister Anna and Clara who is taking care of her. An excitement and at the same time, a warm kind of sensation is emerged through the encounter of Clara, whose life is stuck between home and church and Musa, who comes to Istanbul to start a new life. At the beginning he was even hesitant to confess himself, but by the time passes, the young muezzin's love for Clara pervades all his life. Another story emerges when Musa and Yakup, who is a bibliopole, come across at the church which Clara attends regularly. Little surprises come out of the stories of three intersecting lives -Clara, Musa the muezzin and Mr. Yakup the bibliopole. Yakup, who belongs to an aristocrat family residing in Galata, Clara who is half- Italian and muezzin Musa… Sometimes bitter, sometimes joyful stories of the three lives generate the warm atmosphere of "Wrong Rosary".


Myftiu i ri Musa, vizitoi per here te pare ne jeten e tij Stambollin kur ai ishte caktuar ne xhamine Galata. Musa jeton ne nje apartament te siguaruar per te nga xhamia. Komshijte ngjitur jane Motrat Ana dhe Klara te cilat kujdesen per te. Nje eksitim dhe njekohesisht nje lloj sensacioni i ngrohte lind ndermjet takimit me Klaren, jeta e seciles eshte mbyllur midis shtepise dhe kishes dhe Muses, i cili erdhi ne Stamboll per te filluar nje jete te re. Ne fillim ai heziton tia rrefente edhe vetvetes, por me kalimin e kohes dashuria e Myftiut te ri per Klaren dominoi jeten e tij. Nje histori tjeter lind kur Musa dhe Yakupi i cili eshte nje (bibliopole-koleksionist i librave te rralle) takohen ne kishen ku shkon Klara regullisht. Surprisa te vogla dalin nga historite e kytyre 3 jeteve te nderprera. Yakup - koleksionisti, i cili i perket nje familjeje aristokrate me qendrim ne Galata, Klara, e cila eshte gjysem italiane dhe Musa - Myftiu i ri… Nganjehere te hidhura, nganjehere te gezueshme, historite e ketyre 3 jeteve gjenerojne nje atmosfere te ngrohte te nje "Rruzareje te gabuar".Â


ıÜüMahmut Fazıl Coşkun, Filmography

20009 - Wrong Rosary (Karlovy Vary Int. Film Festival 2009)



Greece, 2008, 35mm, colour, 102 min

Director: Vassilis Douros

Script: Yannis Tsiros

Cinematography: Stamatis Yannoulis

Music: Dasho Kurti

Editor: Konstantinos Lordanidis

Cast: Yennadios Patsis (Thymios), Karafil Sena (Luan), Yorgos Moroyannis (Thodoros), Yasemi Kilaidoni (Katerina), Kostas Kazanas (Spyros), Nikos Yorgakis (Thomas), Dimitris Patsis (Haris), Mirella Konti (Shpresa), Urania Basli (Kostoula), Mary Mavromati (Anthe), Anna Porfyri (Nitsa), Zoe Pantazi (17 year-old girl), Stavros Rantas (Dritan)

Producer: Nikos Nikolettos - Protasis Film & TV Productions, Vassilis Douros, Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation, P.L.D. Production S.A.


Holy Saturday. The fireworks for the Resurrection ceremony are the reason an old dark hostility between Luan and Thymios is rekindled. The foreigner and the local, the atheist and the religious man, pigheadedness and righteous anger. Our story ends in a tragedy. Its victim is Haris, the child of immigrants. Both Albanian and Greek, Christian and Muslim, he gets between them to help but the mountain is tall and it's IN FRONT. Â

E shtune e bekuar. Fishekzjarret e ceremonies se Ringjalljes jane arsyet pse nje armiqsi e vjeter dhe te erret midis Luanit dhe Thymios perseritet. I huaji dhe vendaliu, ateisti dhe fetari, koketrashesia dhe inati. Historia mbaron ne tragjedi. Viktima e saj eshte Haris, femija e nje emigranti. Te dy palet - Shqiptaret dhe Greket, Kristianet dhe Muslimanet. Harris nderhyn mes tyre per te ndihmuar por mali eshte i larte dhe mbi te gjitha.. shume afer - PERBALLE.Â


Vassilis Douros, Filmography:

2008 - The mountain in front (Thessaloniki Int. Film Festival 2008, Alexandria Int. Film Festival 2009)

2000 - Fading light

1988 - Saint basil the seafarer

1987 - The scarecrow

1979 - The highway



Bosnia and Herzegovina/Germany/France/Iran, 2008, 35 mm, Color, 99 min, Bosnian

Director: Aida Begić

Script: Aida Begić, Elma Tataragić

Based on an idea by: Aida Begić, Faruk Šabanović

Photography: Erol Zubčević

Editor: Miralem Zubčević

Cast: Zana Marjanović, Jasna Ornela Bery, Sadžida Šetić, Vesna Mašić, Emir Hadžihafizbegović

Producers: Elma Tataragić, Benny Drechsel, Karsten Stoeter, François D'artemare


Bosnia, 1997. Four women, two old ladies, four girls, an old man and a boy live in the war torn village of Slavno. Their families have been killed and their bodies never found. Living with the presence of their missing loved ones, the women have created a very special world, one in which the absent are nevertheless present. Trying to keep themselves alive by keeping all memories and their dreams, they have made a dreamland out of their village without even being aware of it. Slavno is remote from the rest of the world,but the fi rst snow brings the threat of total isolation. As it gets closer, Alma, a stubborn young woman in her late twenties, believes they can not only survive but even prosper by selling plum jam and other fruit and vegetable products on a deserted road. Two businessmen unexpectedly visit Slavno demanding the residents to leave the village off ering money in return. The villagers face a dilemma: should they accept the offer that could save their lives but destroy their souls? A sudden storm traps the businessmen in Slavno, forcing them to face a problem bigger than anything they expected - the truth.


Aida Begić, Filmography

2008 - Snow (Cannes Film Festival 2oo8; winner of the Grand Prix at Cannes' Semaine de la Critique, Sarajevo Film Festival 2008)

2003 - North Went Mad

1999 - Prvo smrtno iskustvo







Bulgaria, 2009, 35 mm, Color, 108 min

Director: Ivan Cherkelov

Screenplay: Ivan Cherkelov

Dir. of Photography: Rali Ralchev

Designer: Vanina Geleva

Editor: Zoritsa Kotseva

Cast: Philip Avramov, Valeri Yordanov, Rangel Valchanov

Producer: Rossitsa Valkanova


Unemployed friends Doka and Bonza haven't managed to gain a foothold in the new economic climate. They liven up their inactivity with infantile distractions. Big shots from the former regime have meanwhile built up new careers, having caught the crest of the privatization wave. Adopting the appropriate cynicism and employing mafia tactics, they line their pockets and reinforce their position. Matanov and Tsonchev are contenders as intermediaries in the sale of an ironworks in Sinistra, which a Greek client has his eye on. Both want to get as much as possible out of this transaction, even at the cost of doing away with the competition. The rivals assign trustworthy consultants to engineer the venture, who then appoint compromised flunkies to get the job done. In a wholly random selection, the role of anonymous pawns is entrusted to Doka and Bonza. With a lucrative reward in their sights, they set off for Sinistra, unaware of what they are getting themselves into.


Miket e papuna Doka dhe Bonza nuk arriten te stabilizoheshin ne kete krize te re ekonominke. Ato e kane jetuar kete kohe pasiviteti me shperqendrim feminor. Nderkohe qe nje kategori tjeter te mbijetuarisht nga regjimi i meparshem pasi kane shfrytezuar mire valen e privatizimeve kane ndertuar karriere e pasuri. Duke adoptuar cinicizmin e duhur dhe duke perdorur taktika mafioze ata mbushin xhepat dhe perforcojne pozitat. Matanov dhe Tsonchev jane konkurente per ndermjetesim ne shitjen e fabrikes se hekurit ne Sinistra te ciles ia ka vene syrin nje klient Grek. Te dy synojne te marrin maksimumin e mundshem nga ky transaksion, edhe nese eleminohen nga konkurimi. Te dy rivalet kane marre konsulente te besueshem per te projektuar kete plan, te cilet me pas caktojne servile te kompromentuar per te mbaruar pune. Ne shorteun seleksionues roli i putrave anonime i besohet Dokes dhe Bonzes. Me cmimin e papare ne perspektive ata nisen per ne Sinistra te papergatitur per c'ka i pret.


Ivan Cherkelov, Filmography

2009 - Crayfish (Karlovy Vary Int. Film Festival 2009)

2006 - Christmas Tree Upside Down

1999 - Glass Marbles

1995 - Thundering Stones

1989 - Pieces of Love

1982 - Balada



Turkey/France/Italy, 2008, 35 mm, Color, 109 min

Director: Nuri Bilge Ceylan

Writers: Ebru Ceylan, Ercan Kesal, Nuri Bilge Ceylan

Cinematographer: Gökhan Tiryaki

Editing: Ayhan Ergürsel, Bora Göksingöl, Nuri Bilge Ceylan

Cast: Yavuz Bingöl, Hatice Aslan, Ahmet Rıfat Sungar, Ercan Kesal

Producer: Zeynep Özbatur

Co-producers: Fabienne Vonier, Valerio de Paolis, Cemal Noyan, Nuri Bilge Ceylan

Ceylan focuses his camera on four characters, a couple and their son plus the husband's boss, showing how the family opts to stick together by playing blind, deaf and dumb to problems that should in all logic split them apart. A family dislocated when small failings blow up into extravagant lies battles against the odds to stay together by covering up the truth... In order to avoid hardship and responsibilities that would otherwise be impossible to endure, the family chooses to ignore the truth, not to see, hear or talk about it. But does playing Three Monkeys invalidate the truth of its existence? Ceylan fokuson kameran e tij ne kater karaktere: nje cift, djali i tyre dhe pronari i burrit, dhe tregon se si opsioni i familjes per te vazhduar te qendroje bashke duke bere te verbrin, te shurdhin dhe budallane ndaj problemeve duhet llogjikisht ti ndaje ata. Nje familje e shperndare kur deshtimet te vogla shperthejne ne genjeshra ekstravagante, qe lufton kunder cdo gjase per te qendruar se bashku duke mbuluar te vertetat. Per te menjanuar veshtiresite dhe pergjegjesite te cilat perndryshe do ishin te pamunduara per t'u perballuar, familja zgjedh te injoroje te verteten, mos te shohe, degjoje apo flase mbi te. Por a mundet qe duke luajtur 3 Majmune mbivleresohet e verteta e ekzistences se saj?


Ceylan fokuson kameran e tij ne kater karaktere: nje cift, djali i tyre dhe pronari i burrit, dhe tregon se si opsioni i familjes per te vazhduar te qendroje bashke duke bere te verbrin, te shurdhin dhe budallane ndaj problemeve duhet llogjikisht ti ndaje ata. Nje familje e shperndare kur deshtimet te vogla shperthejne ne genjeshra ekstravagante, qe lufton kunder cdo gjase per te qendruar se bashku duke mbuluar te vertetat. Per te menjanuar veshtiresite dhe pergjegjesite te cilat perndryshe do ishin te pamunduara per t'u perballuar, familja zgjedh te injoroje te verteten, mos te shohe, degjoje apo flase mbi te. Por a mundet qe duke luajtur 3 Majmune mbivleresohet e verteta e ekzistences se saj?Â


Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Filmography

2008 - Three Monkeys (Cannes Int. Film Festival 2008)

2006 - Climates

2002 - Distant

1999 - Clouds of May

1997 - Kasaba

1995 - Koza



Slovenia, 2008, 35mm, Colour, 82 min

Director: Damjan Kozole

Screenwriter: Damjan Kozole

Cinematographer:Â Ales Belak

Editor: Jurij Moskon

Music: Igor Leonardi

Cast: Martuja Slamic, Dejan Spasic, Petr Musevski, Mojka Partjlic, Aljosa Kovacic, Matija Kozamernik

Produced by: Danijel Hocevar


Tanya is 35, with successful career. Her husband Mare is an architect. On Friday, Tanya comes home late at night. Mare confronts her and they exchange some edgy words: Mare is clearly jealous, he loses control of himself and slaps her in the face. Obviously, it is not the first such incident. Tanya locks herself in the bathroom. They continue their conversation over the locked doors. Mare calms down but when Tanya comes from bathroom, he becomes abusive again. The noise wakes up a neighbor who reports them to the police. The police arrive and the couple calms down. When the police leave, the couple resorts to psychological abuse. What follows is the night of hateful and skilful twisting of words that unveils, step by step, all the dark secrets of their relationship. Behind a façade of a successful couple, there are suppressed feelings of inferiority, weaknesses, deceit, frustration and traumas from their youth.


Damjan Kozole, Filmography

2008 - Forever (Lubjana Int. Film Festival 2008)

2005 - Labour Equals Freeadom

2004 - Vision of Europe -short

2003 - Spare parts

2000 - Porn Film Comedy

1988 - Remington

1987 - The Fatal Telephone


Jasht kompeticionit

Opening film


UK, 2008, 35 mm, Color, 120 min, English

Directors: Danny Boyle, Loveleen Tandan (co-director: India)

Writers: Simon Beaufoy (screenplay), Vikas Swarup (novel)

Cast: Dev Patel, Freida Pinto, Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail, Ayush Mahesh Khedekar, Youngest Jamal, Saurabh Shukla, Anil Kapoor, Rajendranath Zutshi, Jeneva Talwar

Producer: Christian Colson


Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal Malik (Patel), an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much? Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their adventures together on the road, of vicious encounters with local gangs, and of Latika (Pinto), the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show¹s questions. Each chapter of Jamal¹s increasingly layered story reveals where he learned the answers to the show¹s seemingly impossible quizzes. But one question remains a mystery: what is this young man with no apparent desire for riches really doing on the game show? When the new day dawns and Jamal returns to answer the final question, the Inspector and sixty million viewers are about to find out.


"Milioneri i rrugeve" - eshte historia e Jamal Malikut nje 18vjecari - jetim nga getot e Mumbait, i cili po perjeton diten me te rendesishme te jetes se tij. Teksa e tere popullata e Indise e ndjek ne televizor, ai eshte vetem nje pyetje larg fitores se shumes marramendese prej 20 milion rupes - ne versionin Indian te programit "Kush do te behet milioner". Por kur edicioni i shfaqjes se kesaj mbremje nderpritet, policet e arrestojne nen akuzen e dyshimit se ai po ben hile. Si eshte e mundur qe nje djale rrugesh te dije kaq shume? I deshperuar per te mbrojtur pafajsine e tij, Jamali tregon historine e jetes se tij ne geto atje ku ai dhe i vellai jane rritur, tregon per rrugen e aventurave te tyre, perballjet e pameshirshme me gangsteret e lagjes dhe per Latiken, vajzen te cilen e donte dhe e humbi. Cdo kapitull i historise se tij zbulon celsin e nje prej pergjigjeve te pyetjeve te programit televiziv. Cdo kapitull i historise shume shtreseshe zbulon ku i mesoi ai pergjigjet e kuiceve te shfaqjes - ne dukje te pamundura per t'u ditur prej tij. Por nje pyetje mbetet mister: Cfare do ky djale (ne dukje i painteresuar per pasuri) ne kete shfaqje? Pas mesnate, teksa dita e re po lind, Jamali kthehet per t'iu pergjigjur pyetjes se fundit - Inspektori i policise dhe 60 milion shikues jane gati per te mesuar te verteten.


Danny Boyle, Filmography

2008 - Slumdog Millionaire (Winner of 8 Oscar awards and other 89 awards)

2007 - Sunshine

2004 - Millions

2002 - 28 days later

2002 - Alien love triangle

2000 - The beach

1997 - A life less ordinary

1996 - Trainspotting

1994 - Shallow grave


Closing Film


Italy, 2008, 35 mm, Color, 117 min, Italian

Director: Paolo Sorrentino

Screenplay: Paolo Sorrentino

Director of photography: Luca Bigazzi

Film editor: Cristiano Travaglioli

Original music: Teho Teardo

Cast: Toni Servillo, Anna Bonaiuto, Giulio Bosetti, Flavio Bucci, Carlo Buccirosso, Giorgio Colangeli, Alberto Cracco

Producer: Nicola Giuliano, Francesca Cima, Andrea Occhipinti, Maurizio Coppolecchia


In Rome, at dawn, when everyone is sleeping, one man is awake. That man is Giulio Andreotti. He's awake because he has to work, write books, move in fashionable circles and, last but not least, pray. Calm, crafty and inscrutable, Andreotti is synonym of power in Italy for over four decades. At the beginning of the Nineties, this impassive yet insinuating, ambiguous yet reassuring figure appears set to assume his seventh mandate as Prime Minister without arrogance and without humility. Approaching seventy, Andreotti is a gerontocrat who, with all the attributes of God, is afraid of no one and does not know the meaning of awe, since he is accustomed to seeing it stamped on the faces of all his interlocutors. His satisfaction is muted, impalpable. For him, satisfaction is power, with which he has a symbiotic relationship. Power the way he likes it. Unwavering and immutable, from the outset. He emerges unscathed from everything: electoral battles, terrorist massacres, slanderous accusations. He is untouched by it all, unchanging. Until the strongest counter power in Italy, the Mafia, declares war on him. Then things change. Perhaps even for the enigmatic, immortal Andreotti. But the question is: do they really change or only appear to? We can be sure of one thing: it is difficult to tarnish Andreotti, the man who knows the ways of the world better than any of us.


Il Divo

Rome. Muzg.Teksa gjithkush fle, nje burre rri zgjuar. Ky burre eshte Xhulio Andreoti. Ai rri zgjuar pasi i duhet te punoje, te shkruaje libra, te merret me njerez te rendesishem dhe se fundmi por jo e fundit, atij i duhet t'i lutet apo falet Zotit. I qete, i zoti dhe i paskrupullt, Andreoti eshte sinonim i fuqise ne Itali per rreth 4 dekada. Ne fillim te viteve 90 kjo figure sa pa emocion aq edhe intuitive, sa e dyshimte aq edhe e sigurte, pa arrogance dhe pa modesti, shfaqet e sigurt ne marrjen e mandatit te tij te 7 si kryeminister. Ne prag te te 70tave Andreoti eshte nje i plotfuqishem, i cili megjithe respektin ne Zot, nuk ka frike nga as kush dhe as nuk e njeh sensin e adhurimit, perderisa eshte mesuar ta shohe ate te stampuar ne fytyrat e interlokutoreve te tij. Sadisfaksioni i tij eshte i pazeshem dhe pa dridhje qepiku. Per te sadisfaksioni eshte Pushteti me te cilen ai ka nje marredhenie simbolike. Pushteti edhe cka i pelqen atij. E padorezueshme dhe e pandryshueshme prej fillimit.Ai del i pademtuar nga asgje: fushatat elektorale, masakrat terroriste apo akuzat gjyqesore. Ai eshte i paprekur nga asgje, i pandryshueshem derisa kunderfuqia me e forte ne Itali , Mafia, i shpall lufte. Gjerat ndryshojne, ndoshta edhe per nje njeri enigmatik si Andreoti. Por pyetja eshte: A ndryshojne vertet gjerat apo vetem duket sikur? Por duhet te jemi te sigurt per nje gje: Eshte veshtire ti nxjerresh bojen Andreotit, njeriut i cili i njeh me mire se cdonjeri prej nesh rruget e botes.


Paolo Sorrentino, Filmography

2008 - Il Divo (Cannes Film Festival 2008; winner of the Jury Prize, winner of 13 other awards)

2006 - L'amico di famiglia (The family friend)

2004 - Le conseguenze dell'amore (The consequences of love)

2001 - L'uomo in piu' (One man up)


Italian Cinema


Italy, 2008, 35 mm, Color, 137 min, Italian

Director: Matteo Garrone

Writers: Roberto Saviano (book) Maurizio Braucci (screenplay)

Cinematographer: Marco Onorato

Film Editor: Marco Spoletini

Cast: Salvatore Abruzzese, Simone Sacchettino, Salvatore Ruocco, Vincenzo Fabricino, Vincenzo Altamura, Italo Renda, Gianfelice Imparato, Maria Nazionale, Salvatore Striano, Carlo Del Sorbo

Producer: Domenico Procacci, Laura Paolucci


The movie opens with the shootings of some gangsters whilst relaxing in a tanning salon. The movie then intertwines five separate stories of Italians whose lives are touched by organized crime. Don Ciro (Gianfelice Imparato) is a timid middleman, who distributes money to the families of imprisoned clan members. When making a delivery, he is ambushed by two angry clan members with an obvious grudge against their fellows; there is a feud within the clan. Wanting to save his own skin, he later offers to defect to their side. They explain to him their families were murdered by the clan and want retribution, and that they have no need for a money-carrier. Instead, Ciro leads them to the location where he is given the money for distribution. The pair raid the place, killing everyone but Ciro, and take the money. Ciro quietly walks off to an uncertain future.


Filmi hapet me vrasjen e disa gangstereve teksa ata relaksoheshin ne nje sallon solari. Me pas filmi lidh 5 histori te ndara te Italianeve, atyre te cileve jeta i eshte prekur nga krimi i organizuar. Don Ciro eshte nje mesoburre I turpshem i cili shperndan para ne familjet e anetareve te klanit qe, tashme jane kapur e burgosur. Teksa ben nje nga keto sherbime ai gjendet i rrethuar nga dy anetare te egersuar te klanit, me nje meri te dukshme kundrejt shokeve te tjere. Duke dashur te shpetoje lekuren Ciro pranon te marre anen e tyre. Ata i shpjegojne se si familjet e tyre jane vrare nga Klani dhe duan te marrin hak, por ata i bejne te qarte atij se nuk kane nevoje per sherbim si mbajtes parash. Ciro i udheheq ata ne nje vend ku ai duhet te kryente punen e tij te zakonshme te shperndarjes se parave. Ata te dy hyjne dhe shkaterrojne gjithcka, marrin parate dhe vrasin te gjithe pervec Ciro's. Ciro del dhe qetesisht ecen drejt nje te ardhmeje te paqarte.  Â



Matteo Garrone, Filmography

2008 - Gomorra (Cannes Film Festival 2008; winner of the Jury Prize) 2004 - Primo amore 2002 - L'imbalsamatore 2000 - Estate romana 1998 - Oreste Pipolo, fotografo di matrimoni

1998 - Ospiti 1998 - Un caso di forza maggiore

1996 -Terra di mezzo

1996 - Silhouette



Italy, 2007, 35mm, Color, 120 min, Italian

Director: Davide Marengo

Screenplay: Fabio Bonifacci and Giampiero Rigosi

Cinematographer: Arnaldo Catinari

Editor: Patrizio Marone

Composer: Franco Piersanti

Production designer: Sonia Peng

Cast: Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Valerio Mastandrea, Rutger Hauer

Producer: Sandro Silvestri


Leila is a girl who uses her glamour to approach rich men and to rob them; Francesco is a depressed bored bus driver who has the bad habit of gambling and a lot of debts on the horizon. They are two characters that spend their days in the streets of a spider's web-deceiving metropolis. Suddenly, a series of misunderstandings leads Leila and Francesco in a story of blackmails, chases and traps. The stakes are: a hot document and a suitcase full of money. While a host of politicians, blackmailers, unlucky bar beaters, jazz-loving emissaries and hypochondriac hired killers come up against them, Leila and Francesco start to think that they could pay the most beautiful trip towards a new life with that money…

Based on the homonymous novel by Giampiero Rigosi, published in Italy by Einaudi StileLibero Noir, in France by Gallimard Série Noir, in Germany by Grafit Verlag and in UK by Bitter Lemon Press in a forthcoming issue, an ironic and brilliant noir, presented like a genre classic.


Leila eshte nje vajze e cila e perdor sharmin e saj per te terhequr burra te pasur dhe per ti grabitur me pas. Francesco eshte nje shofer autobuzi, i pamotivuar dhe depresiv, i cili ka zakonin e keq te kumarit dhe me shume borxhe te pashlyera ne horizont. Keta te dy jane karakteret te cilet kalojne ditet e tyre neper rruget e rrjetes se merimanges-metropol mashtrimi. Papritur, nje seri keqkuptimesh udheheq Leilen dhe Franceskon ne nje histori mitmarrjesh, ndjekje dhe kurthesh. Ajo c'ka rrezikohet eshte nje dokument i rendesishem dhe nje valixhe me para. Kur te gjithe bashke, politikane, mashtrues, grindavece te pafat, te dashuruar pas Jazzit dhe Hypochondriac vrases me pagese u vihen kunder, Leila dhe Francesko fillojne te mendojne se udhetimin e mrekullueshm drejt nje jete te re mund ta paguajne me keto para. Bazuar ne nje novelen homosexuale te Giapiero Rigosiky film eshte nje noir ironik e brilant, i prezantuar si kalasik ne zhanrin e Noir-it.




Davide Marengo, Filmography

2007 - Night Buss (David di Donatello Awards, 2007)

2005 - Craj-Domani


Jashte konkurimit


Kosovo, 2009, DVD, Color, 100 min

Director: Ismet Sijarina

Screenplay: Blerim Gjocaj

Cinematographer: Sevdie Kastrati

Music: Maria Del mare Bermudez, Muhamet Veseli

Cast: Blerim Gjoci, Vjosa Shala, Besfort Dakaj, Lirak Celaj, Bislim Mucaj, Egzona Ademi

Producer: Blerim Gjoci


Ama Doren (HOLD MY HAND eng.) is a movie based on true story about drug abuse of Kosovo's youth. Besi a young boy, trying to be a man and impress his girlfriend takes a life's wrong turn, and enters a world that is slowly revealed as a world of pain and death that was once thought to be to be world of joy. Reality of Prishtina's (Kosovo capital city) is much bitter and dark than realized by its inhabitans. This film brings this reality raw.


"Ma jep doren" eshte nje film bazuar ne nje histori te vertete mbi nje te ri kosovar abuzues droge. Besi nje djale i ri, icili duke u perpjekur te tregohet burre dhe ti lere pershtypje te dashures merr nje drejtim te gabur dhe hyn ne nje bote qe dalengadale zbulohet te jete nje bota e erret e dhimbjes dhe e vdekjes, teksa dikur ishte menduar si bota e gezimit. Realiteti i Prishtines eshte shume me i hidhur dhe i erret sesa ai qe duan te besojne vete qytetaret e saj. Ky film e sjell kete realitet te gjalle.


Ismet Sijarina, Filmography

2009 - Hold my hand

2007 - Beyond the Rainbow Documentary

2006 - Recrutiment TV

2005 - Kulshedra TV

2004 - People in wheelchair TVÂ (2 episodes)

2002 - Dance with the moon (short)

2001 - Pini (short)

2001 - Hisja (short)

2000 - Post 106 (short)

2000 - Bliri (short)




Albania, 2006, 35 mm, Color, 102 min, Albanian

Director: Dhimitër Anagnosti

Screenplay: Dhimitër Anagnosti

Cinematographer: Spartak Papadhimitri

Music: Endri Sina

Cast: Artur Gorishti,Marjana Kondi, Enxhi Agushi, Zef Mosi, Myzafer Zifla, Roza Anagnosti, Luljeta Bitri, Rozeta Feri, Xhevdet Feri, Valentina Kita, Sheri Mita, Irjola Hoxhalliu, Elizabeta Prifti, Samanta Karavella

Producer: Arben Tasellari


A small village in Albania around the 30's. In this isolated and patriarchal town is born and raised Gjoleka, the son of a man called Abaz . After many years of emigration in America - Servet (a former habitant of the village) returns bringing with him a new and fresh mentality which served the 10 year old Gjoleka, as an inspiration. Gjoleka, the son of Abaz, is growing up under the influential ideas of his father Abaz and those of his godfather Servet. Gjoleka symbolizes those generations, which grow up in the difficult reality of the underdeveloped countries. With true realism, the film shows the human relations, love, hatred and the impossibility of integration into another world, as it provides an absorbing autopsy of some bizarre societies, which sometimes we all belong to.


Ngjarjet zhvillohen ne nje fshat te vogel ne Shqiperi rreth viteve 30. Vend i izoluar dhe i dominuar nga patriarkalizmi, me te cilen rritet dhe djali i Abazit. Serveti, nje ish-banor i fshatit kthehet ne fshat mbas emigracionit ne Amerike, duke sjelle me vete nje fryme dhe mentalitet te ri ne fshat qe sherbeu dhe per Gjoleken e vogel 10 vjecar si nje frymezim. Gjoleka, djali Abazit rritet mes ideve te te atit dhe ato te kumbarit te tij Servetit. Gjoleka simbolizon gjeneratat e reja qe rriten ne realitetin e veshtire qe ofrojne vendet e pazhvilluara. Filmi me nje realizem te thelle tregon raportet njerzore, dashurine, urretjen, dhe pamundesine per t'u integruar ne nje bote tjeter, duke ndertuar keshtu, nje autopsi te shoqerive te cuditshme ne te cilat nganjehere bejme pjese te gjithe.


Dhimitër Anagnosti, Filmografi

2006 - Gjoleka i biri i Abazit

1989 - Kthimi i ushtrisë së vdekur

1987 - Përrallë nga e kaluara

1985 - Gurët e shtëpisë sime

1982 - Vëllezër dhe shokë

1979 - Në shtepinë tonë

1977 - Monumenti

1976 - Lulëkuqet mbi mure

1975 - Kur hiqen maskat

1974 - Cuca e maleve

1971 - Malet me blerim mbuluar

1968 - Plagë të vjetra

1967 - Duel i heshtur

1966 - Komisari i dritës