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Premier Berisha meets with Executive Director of EU External Action Service, Miroslav Lajcak

Premier Berisha meets with Executive Director of EU External Action Service, Miroslav Lajcak

Tirana, January 26, 2011 NOA - Premier Berisha received today the Executive Director of EU External Action Service, Mr. Miroslav Lajcák, who is also the EU envoy for discussion with Albanian political factors on situation created as a result of violent protests and attempts to overthrow constitutional order and institutions elected in a democratic way.

Premier Berisha briefed Mr. Lajcák on developments that led to violent attempt of January 21, and informed of the Albanian government position about the situation. Extending thanks for support and interest in the investigation, Premier Berisha assured Mr. Lajcák that the Albanian government backs a full, objective, professional, and above all an impartial investigation into the events.

The Premier also assured him of the determination of the Albanian government for protection of Constitution, rule of law and democratic institutions in the country, in any violation attempt against them.

Mr. Lajcák reconfirmed Premier Berisha the full support of European Union, stressing that it considers “Berisha” government as a partner and a legitimate government of Albania, as well as considered the canceling of Saturday manifestation as a high act of responsibility by the Premier, underlining that opposition should also take the same stance.

Mr. Lajcák said that EU asks parts to avoid staging of protests for elimination of acceleration of violent acts against democratic institutions and rule of law. EU urges parts to re-establishment of political dialogue in the Parliament to continue progress with the European integration agenda, in particular with the candidate country statues and concentration of all the energies into preparations for May 8 local elections.
