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Ambassador of Albania in Romania, Presented the Letters of Credence

Ambassador of Albania in Romania, Presented the Letters of Credence

Subscribers Area – pr@noa.al

Tirana, February 8 2011 NOA – The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania in Romania, Mr. Sami Shiba presented the Letters of Credence to the President of Romania, Mr. Traian Basescu, during a formal ceremony held in the Presidential Palace "Cotroceni" in Bucharest.

On this occasion, they did also have a short friendly conversation, during which the Romanian President greeted and wished success to Mr. Shiba in his mission; he praised the very good bilateral relations, expressing his confidence for their further consolidation and highlighted Romania’s support for Albania's membership in NATO and the EU visa liberalization.

Likewise, while conveying the best greetings to the President of the Republic and Prime Minister of Albania, Mr. Basescu assured that Romania will continue to support strongly the EU integration process of all Western Balkan countries, highlighting Albania as a country having very good relations and special historical bonds with Romania. In his turn, Ambassador Shiba commended the high level of bilateral relations, highlighting Romania’s multidimensional and friendly support to Albania’s integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures. He also underlined the very important contribution of the Albanian Community in Romania, as an asset and a bridge of cooperation between both countries.

During the meeting, the two interlocutors laid the emphasis on the economic field. Ambassador Shiba expressed his commitment to expand and further deepen the bonds and contacts among the trade and economic institutions, the Chambers of Commerce, tourist organizations and others.
