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Tik-Tak – the AMC Contemporary Art Prize for visual arts

Tik-Tak – the AMC Contemporary Art Prize for visual arts

The annual competition displays the winning works of art and opens an exhibition

Tirana, February 19, 2011 NOA - On Monday 21 February, the opening ceremony of the AMC Contemporary Art Prize for visual arts will be organized at the FAP Gallery in Tirana.

According to Mr. Ardian Isufi, curator of this edition, its name Tik-Tak corresponds to the philosophy of the time harmony in the daily space of the individual.

The works of 10 young artists - current and former students of the Fine Arts Academy - have made it to the final phase, competing for the winner of the AMC Contemporary Art Prize.

The participants have expressed their artistic concepts of space and time, and materialized their ideas in their works of art.

These artists started working on their projects 3 months ago, and have used various media, e.g. painting, photography, installations and kinetic pieces of art.

The AMC Contemporary Art Prize is an initiative that aims at creating interest in new artists and motivating young people to be creative, giving them the possibility to create artistic works and then being able to share them.

Tik-Tak is part of the City of Arts project, organized by the Fine Arts Academy, and it consists of 34 cultural events, including shows, exhibitions and various other activities.

The exhibition of the selected works will be open to the public until 5th of March.
