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RAI, Special Report about NOA, the National News Agency in Albania

RAI, Special Report about NOA, the National News Agency in Albania

Tirana, June 30, 2011 NOA - NOA – Albanian National News Agency, wants to share with you the joy of welcoming that is done by prestigious media internationally.

RAI - Italian Radio and Television Agency has produced a special report for our agency, which were transmitted in June 2011 on channel RAI TRE and RAI Mediterranean, also RAI TV WEB.

This special program comes under a Mediterranean tour that has taken under the program RAI RAI New Media to watch closely the development of information online.

In Albania has been selected NOA - the Albanian National News Agency. The report was produced these days in Tirana and DUrres, by a TV group headed by Ms. Maria Buonsanto, responsible for project MediterRaid on Italian television RAI.

TV group visited the NOA Newsroom, and interviewed its leaders, members of the Board of Ethics also, the NOA editors responsible, Albana Qehajaj, Eglantina Nasi, Irma Toptani.

TV group conducted the Vox pop with citizens by asking them about the NOA Agency and about development of online information in Albania.

The report will also broadcast online at NOA Website or in this link: