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Statement of the President Topi regarding the political situation in the country

Statement of the President Topi regarding the political situation in the country

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Tirana, January 26, 2011 NOA - Today, I had two meetings with the special delegation of the European Union in our country, headed by Mr. Miroslav Lajčák, with whom I discussed the current situation and the serious political atmosphere in our country, especially after the tragic events of the 21st of January, by sharing the extraordinary concern for this situation. Together, we discussed regarding the possibilities of finding an immediate solution from this situation, that besides others, seriously damages also the international image of Albania.

Since the beginning, under the position of the President of the Republic, I expressed my gratitude for the continuing attention and support of the European Union, through efforts, appeals and several declarations about the solution of the political dispute in Albania.

Also, in full accordance also with the positions and the continuing messages of our international friends and partners, I re-emphasized the institutional position that constructive dialogue, in a mature form, with calm and civilized tones between the parties is the only necessary way towards the solution of the political dispute and a guarantee of stability, for the normal functioning of the rule of law and full respect for the institutions in the country.

Under the framework of consensus and according to democratic standards, as the Head of the Albanian State, during these serious and delicate moments, I strongly emphasize the necessity that the Albanian political class must find and put into use all of the legal and democratic mechanisms, in order to come out of this problematic situation, by serving the interests of Albania and its citizens, in order to ensure the calm and proper stability for the country and the Albanian society, towards the realization of projects and our European future. Under this regard, I suggest that the temporary annulment of any demonstration or public protest would greatly contribute in the lowering of tensions as well as in enabling the proper space for the independent institutions of justice to perform a complete investigation, in a transparent, impartial and professional manner. On the other hand, it must come to pass that in order to immediately stabilize the situation, the majority and the opposition must find the proper political and individual will power to immediately re-establish the political and institutional dialogue!

Albanian citizens, in their efforts to fulfill their aspirations for integration, cannot possibly stay hostage forever of the aggravating rhetoric of political actors and factors. By never questioning in any moment, the legitimate right of every political subject and individual to peacefully demonstrate, together with the special representative of the European Union and in full agreement with other international organisms, we condemn the unjustified violence during the events on the 21st of January, by also emphasizing once more that the public and constitutional order, the life of citizens and employees in duty as well as the institutions of the state are sacred and untouchable.

It is of immediate and vital need to regain the serenity, to find the maturity again, good will as well as the language of institutional dialogue of the parties in the politics, because only the normal functioning of the democratic means and spaces from the independent and constitutional institutions would bring us again into the normal functioning of the life of citizens and the normal functioning of the rule of law, modern and democratic, as it is common and graceful for our people.

In this background, it should not be forgotten that the local elections are coming always closer and so it is a legal and moral obligation of the whole Albanian political class and actors to guarantee with the most responsibility a calm atmosphere, with normal development and correct administration of elections and the results coming from them. Albanian citizens must be allowed and enabled to express their will freely only through the voting, not threatened or manipulated by anyone, so that Albania will have the opportunity to become in reality and officially, a worthy and equal member of the great European family. The European future of Albania depends from the responsible, visionary and patriotic behavior of the political leaders of the whole political spectrum! What needs to be done must be done quick and in a just manner so that the future of our children will be guaranteed and happy!